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Ariadne Pfad:


Events - Meetings of specialists

Relevant European and international events, sorted chronologically. Find more listings of international events in the menu bar in the blue box (on the right in the desktop layout, below in the mobile device layout). Older events and events about Germany are listed in the Event calender provided by the Eduserver.

Beginning 11.05.2024

The 18th EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning (JTELSS) will be held from 11-19 May 2024. The event is jointly organised by the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna and the International Association of University Libraries. The 2024 edition [...]

Beginning 17.05.2024

Der KIWi Policy Talk möchte das Wissenschaftsjahr 2024, das anlässlich des 75-jährigen Jubiläums der Unterzeichnung des Grundgesetzes unter dem Motto "Freiheit" steht, zum Anlass nehmen, um über die Bedeutung, die Chancen und die Herausforderungen der Wissenschaftsfreiheit für die Praxis der internationalen Wissenschaftskooperationen zu [...]

Beginning 23.05.2024

For more than two decades now there has been fierce debate over the shift from the paradigm of teaching to that of learning, driven by international and supranational organisations, which have constantly promoted the idea that national education systems and institutions have to be ‘modernised’ in order to deal effectively with the challenges posed by [...]

Beginning 30.05.2024

Expectations concerning the potential futures of education, society and the economy play an integral role in education policy-making. One way in which future expectations are being processed and communicated in societal discussions on education policy is in the form of projections onto reference societies: education systems elsewhere are being set up either as [...]

Last Update: 25.03.2020  -

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